Gratitude is a must. As I rise, I can say with passion that today is a NEW DAY and I thank God for the opportunity to speak my truth in his name and to connect with my South Dade and Miami-Dade community in this personal way.
I would like to thank my wife, Carla, for showing me what resilience and compassion looks like on a daily basis and during this campaign under the threat of a pandemic, adjustment to a new job, and personal health challenges.
To our voters, I thank you for expressing your voice in District 9 with an over 93% increase in voter turnout. I see you clearly. You inspired me at every door, pre-pandemic event, and socially distanced interaction. We connected in a way that will transform our relationship for years ahead.
To my volunteers, family, friends, I am grateful for your love, treasured time, boundless support on this meaningful chapter in our time. To my volunteer advisors and consultants, I thank you for the guidance and bringing out the best of who I am and about.
We came into this race to create a new day towards an inclusive and grassroots organizing effort and though we were marginally unsuccessful, we helped to create a new day in the midst of a global pandemic. We helped to energize people concerned about the state of their local democracy and give voice to their shared dreams and challenges.
I met so many residents with stories of wanting to be more connected and not neglected on the issues that matter to them the most. Their voices must be heard.
For the length of this campaign I got up each morning and worked hard to earn the support of my neighbors and people of the community and as I always have I will continue to work even harder to make a difference as a servant leader and lawyer.
I congratulate all the candidates in my race for offering spirited choices to the voters for leadership in the next chapter of South Dade and District 9. For the next round, I congratulate Leader Kionne McGhee and Councilman Elvis Maldonado on reaching the finish line tape. I encourage all voters to remain engaged in our renewed local democracy and to demonstrate your personal power in letting your voices be heard in November. It is not my choice to make. It is yours. This is the “People’s Politics”.
We live in a community and a society that requires us to be civicly engaged and connected to each other at all levels. This is our new day.